


From October 24th to December 5th.

Door 33.

By Rui Horta Pereira.

With Filipa Vala, Luís Spínola and João Gonçalves.

Cooperation, reputation; work, author.

A creative sharing process is a cooperative act. In Polyphonic, we started with a set of texts for the realization of pieces that, resulting from individual activities, form a whole as an extension of the same initial voice. All cooperation is based on reciprocity mechanisms and we know that in our species, as in other primates, we are able to attribute “reputations” and that these influence our cooperation decisions (we tend to cooperate with those who have a reputation for being cooperators). But in art, as in other areas of activity, authorship (or the brand) has been superimposed on the work - or, at least, contributes decisively to the importance that is attributed to it. Is the exacerbation of authorship an unwanted consequence of the mechanisms that allow us to build reputation? In an “evolutionary somersault”, will the reputation (author) become worth as much or more than the action (work) in our societies? If so, Polifónica expresses a re-founding desire: the subversive gesture of returning to the termiteira's anonymity. Polyphonic (or non-authorial) cooperation.

Rua do Quebra Costas, 33 • Funchal

 +351 291 743 038 • 

Open to the public from Tuesday to Saturday from 4 pm to 8 pm or at other times previously requested.

"Polyphonic", wood and colored cardboard, variable dimensions, 2020.


"Polifónica", madeira e cartolinas de cor, dimensões variáveis, 2020.

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