


There are old references about the “Christmas Masses” on the island of Madeira, which may include the “Missas do Parto”, the “Missa do Galo” and the Christmas day mass (“Missa de Natal”). For these masses, large funds were given, by the factories of the churches and by the confraternities, destined to music and singing, decoration/ornamentation, wax and oil, and also payment to the priests who gave the sermons. There should also be fire, because since the 17th century it has been used in religious festivities, as documented in the Funchal cathedral with the feast of “Nossa Senhora do Rosário”.

The “Missa do Galo”, for example, is mentioned in 1582, in the Funchal Cathedral, and on July 26, 1610 the vicar of the “Igreja da Nossa Senhora da Graça” in “Estreito de Câmara de Lobos” says that after the mass there were many women in the church causing great disturbance. It was the conflict between the sacred and the profane, with accusations that in these masses there were “dishonest” festivities and songs which took place outside of decent hours.

From the “Missas do Parto” we have news in 1685 (Ribeira Brava); in 1688 (São Vicente); in 1690 (“Convento de Santa Clara”). In the economic year of 1740-1741, “Missas do Parto”, Christmas and octaves in “Misericórdia do Funchal” were celebrated. Even in a testament, “Missas do Parto” are mentioned, in the performance of masses, as recorded in 1705, by D. Clara Milheiro, wife of Francisco Pardo de Figueiroa, in Calheta. In 1756, the parishioners of “Quinta Grande” (Campanário) were devoted to the celebration of the “Missas do Parto”.

Directly related to the “Missas do Parto” will be the veneration of the Lady of Expectation (“Senhora da Expectação”) or of the “Ó”, that in Madeira is documented at least since 1588, when in the “Sé” of Funchal are mentioned the parties in her honor.

Credits: 600 Years of Madeira and Porto Santo

Missas do Parto Se Catedral Fx

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