


Do you know that? In Madeira, a crib (Native Scene) is called "lapinha". The etymological origin of the word derives from the “Lapa de Belém”, where is represented the birth of the Baby Jesus.

The setting of the crib or "lapinha", during the Christmas season, is a symbolic ritual. Revealing emotions, which are renewed annually, it portrays the soul of a believing people, who insist on preserving their traditions.

The configuration of the Madeiran nativity scenes has, however, changed over time. In the past, the Baby Jesus was enthroned on pyramids on steps or placed on a table, a costume still present in some domestic units, especially in rural areas.

Later, the use of the so-called "rochinha" became widespread, in which the available natural resources are used, namely rock, cane, cork or painted paper. In the more wealthy houses there are box cribs, miniatures integrated in boxes, with a glass front or opening a door.

Today, several artisans dedicate themselves to making structures and figures of the nativity scene, using different raw materials: clay, wax, wood, paper, corn, wheat or banana straw.

Credits: 600 Years of Madeira and Porto Santo

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