


“Tremoços” (Lupins) are seeds of fabaceous plants, marked as “tremoceiros” (Lupines) (especially “common lupines” - Lupinus albus L.), belonging to the genus Lupinus.

These plants are used in agriculture, for soil treatment (allowing to fix nitrogen) and for animal feed.

Lupins, yellow colored seeds, have no agricultural use, but they are widely used in the traditional gastronomy of our archipelago, especially as “dentinho” (appetizer). They are also a common presence in "arraiais", in all parties and pilgrimages, being sold in the streets, packed in small bags.

However, in the times past, lupine, like yam, was one of the main foods in the Madeiran diet, in the Easter season, when meat was replaced by other nutritious foods that Mother Nature provided us.

These vegetables are composed of various nutrients, indispensable for the proper functioning of the organism, such as mineral salts, vitamins and proteins, which makes it a rich food. However, grains cannot be eaten fresh or even dried, as they contain an amino acid and a series of alkaloid substances, with toxic effects for the organism. For this reason, they must be cooked and covered with water, changed frequently, until they lose their original bitterness, and eliminating alkaloids.

Traditionally, lupins were bought dry, in grocery stores or “vendas”, (as they are known in the archipelago), they were then cooked, on "Domingo de Ramos", and left for a few days, then to be consumed in "Semana Santa". It was common to put them in running water on the streams, in burlap sacks, tied to stones. There were also those who put them in the irrigation wells.


5 Kg of dry lupins

Garlic (as needed)

3 red peppers

Coarse salt (as needed)


(Some optionally add oregano and pepper)


Place the lupins, in a porous bag, in running water (for example, in a levada or in a stream) for 3 days, to “curtir”. Alternatively, you can dip them in a bowl with water, changing it, repeatedly.

Then remove and place in boiling water for about 3 hours. After cooking, put it back in running water (or immerse it in water) for 2 days, to completely remove the “bitter”.

You can also purchase previously tanned and cooked lupins and just season them.

To season, use garlic, parsley and red pepper, previously chopped. Finally, add the salt to taste.


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