


The furniture collection of the “Museu Quinta das Cruzes”, consisting of 371 pieces, is quite diverse, both in typological and chronological terms, and in its origin.

In this collection, furniture of English influence is particularly relevant, either through pieces from England or through pieces made “in the manner of”, mostly dated from the 18th and 19th centuries.

Also present in the foreign Furniture group, we find diverse pieces as from Spain, France, India and Japan.

The presence of Portuguese-made Furniture is grouped into three major groups: Regional handmade Furniture «sugar box», but made in the image of English Furniture, and Portuguese Furniture coeval to the stylistic evolution of the time. Of the latter, the nucleus composed of pieces from the 17th century (counters, chests, chairs, etc.) stood out, as well as the nucleus dating from the 18th century (chairs, reclining tables, chests of drawers, curved chests), in the D. João style. V and D. José, and also some pieces that already shown the transposition for the period D. Maria I.

The donation of César Filipe Gomes highly contributed to the Museum Furniture collection, which was later complemented with the adopted acquisitions policy.

Credits: Museu Quinta das Cruzes


Mesa | Inglaterra | século XVIII | Madeira entalhada e recortada; metal fundido relevado, recortado e vazado | MQC 3

©Pedro Clode 2009.


Mesa | Portugal | século XVIII | Madeira entalhada; metal recortado| MQC 1280


Canapé | Oficina Madeirense | Último quartel do século XIX | Vinhático e palhinha | MQC 2149 | ©Pedro Clode 2009.


Armário| Ilha da Madeira| Século 17 | Madeira entalhada, recortada; ferro forjado e inciso | MQC 845
©Pedro Clode 2009.


Contador| Índia Mogol (Guzarate ou Sind) | Século 17 | madeira embutida com osso e marfim. Desenho gravado com sépia. Metal recortado e inciso | MQC 1418

©Pedro Clode 2009.


Escritório| Japão| Século 16 | Madeira lacada ("urushi"), aplicação de pó de ouro e prata ("maqi-é"), incrustações de madrepérola ("raden"); ferragens em liga de cobre gravado, cinzelado, puncionado e dourado | MQC 2249
©Pedro Clode 2009.


Vargueño| Espanha (Vargas) | Século 17 | Madeira entalhada, torneada, dourada e pintada com embutidos; ferro forjado, recortado e vazado | MQC 1059

©Museu Quinta das Cruzes.

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