The setting up of the popularly called “lapinha” (crib) is a ritual filled of great symbolism, which portrays the soul of a believing people, who insist on preserving their traditions.
The structure of these Christmas crib has, however, changed over time.
In the past the Baby Jesus was enthroned in Escadinhas (forming a stepladder) or even placed on a table, as if it was a small altar, tradition still present in many homes of our rural areas. Later it became popular the setting-up of the so-called “Rochinha” Crib, inspired by in the Island’s topography and in traditional habits, in which people used the available natural resources like: pyroclastic rock, wicker-cane or osiers bulbs and painted paper to recreate the island’s mountains, hills and valleys.
In wealthier homes there were also the miniature size Christmas, which were placed inside in small boxes with a glass front or with door opening.
Currently several artisans dedicate themselves to the production Christmas crib’s characters (from biblical episodes and/or local daily life), using for its creation different raw-materials and lots of originality and creativity.
Credits: Museu Etnográfico da Madeira