

The director of “Diário da Madeira”, Major João dos Reis Gomes, launched the challenge for these celebrations in 1921, which began on December 29, 1922 and ended on January 4, 1923, with the parade that illustrates this text.

The festivities included a wide variety of initiatives: religious celebrations, fairs, recitals, pilgrimages to the tomb of Gonçalves Zarco, exhibitions, horse games, parades, fireworks, lighting and decoration of the city. A booklet entitled “V Centenário do Descobrimento da Madeira” was also published and signed by several authors.

Credits: Museu de Fotografia da Madeira - Atelier Vicente's.


Float of the Infante Dom Henrique, who participated in the five-year anniversary procession of the discovery of Madeira | 1923-01-04
23.8 X 17.9 cm | Simple negative, Glass | Silver salt gelatin
MFM-AV, Inv. PER / 623


Allied nations float, which took part in the procession for the 50th anniversary of the Madeira archipelago discovery | 1923-01-04
17.9 X 23.8 cm | Simple negative, Glass | Silver salt gelatin
MFM-AV, Inv. PER / 624


Float from the wine press, with the respective equipment, which took part in the procession of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the archipelago of Madeira | 1923-01-04
17.9 X 23.8 cm | Simple negative, Glass | Silver salt gelatin
MFM-AV, Inv. PER / 625

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