


This week we recall the temporary exhibitions, these being projects where ideas, knowledge and sensibilities cross over and, through a creative process, construct new speeches and interpretations, as well as develop renewed readings and ways of presenting the Museum's collections.

In this sense, we highlight the Temporary Exhibition: "Um Olhar do Porto: Uma Coleção de Artes Decorativas”, an exhibition whose design and coordination is assigned to Francisco António Clode Sousa and Teresa Azeredo Pais.

From November 2005 to February 2006, the Quinta das Cruzes Museum presented the temporary exhibition “Um Olhar do Porto”, consisting of pieces from a private collection in Oporto, a collection of decorative arts that encompassed a variety of exotic and rare testimonies, ranging from Chinese porcelain, Luso-Oriental art from India, Ceylon, China and Japan, as well as Portuguese jewellery and furniture nuclei, mostly from the 18th century.

This temporary exhibition was marked by the relationship established with the Museum's permanent collection in an exhibitive dialogue between both collections, representing the universe of decorative arts, the influence of other cultures and, mainly, the importance of collecting as well as of private collections in the origin of areas for cultural enjoyment, such as the Quinta das Cruzes Museum.

The historical and artistic value shown in this Exhibition was recognized by different audiences, who throughout the period of the exhibition, visited the Museum and came into contact with the collection in different ways, either through guided or informal visits, or through the catalog and leaflet prepared for this event.

"Um Olhar do Porto" was part of the cycle of conferences “Encontros – Portugal e o Mundo da Expansão – O Arquipélago da Madeira como primeira experiência Atlântica” (Encounters - Portugal and the World of Expansion - The Archipelago of Madeira as the first Atlantic experience) promoted by the Amigos do Oriente Association, and sponsored by the 500th Anniversary of the City of Funchal Commemorations Committee.

Credits: Quinta das Cruzes Museum.


Capa do Catálogo - “Um olhar do Porto: uma coleção de artes decorativas” / Coordenação Francisco Clode e Teresa Pais; Trad. Richard Giles Trwinnard ; fot. Assunção Souza Coutinho. - Funchal: DRAC: 500 anos da Cidade do Funchal, 2005. - 294 p.: il. ; 28 cm. - Catálogo de exposição realizada no Museu Quinta das Cruzes de 12 de novembro de 2005 a 28 de fevereiro de 2006. ISBN 972-648-156-2


Entrada para a Sala 17 – Sala das Pratas
Banqueta de Estrado | Portugal, século XVI | Cedro ou teixo | A. 48 x L. 71 x P. 26 cm | Coleção Particular


Contador - Oratório | China, c. 1700 | Madeira, laca e metal | A. 60 x L. 85 x P.40 cm (sem o suporte) | Coleção Particular


Jarra e Polvorinhos em madrepérola e metal, provenientes do Norte da Índia, região de Guzarate, datados do século XVII (coleção particular).


Esculturas Indo-Portuguesas do século XVII feitas em marfim


Ourivesaria Portuguesa maioritariamente do século XVIII


Porcelana Companhia das Índias, século XVIII.


Notícia JM (13.12.2007) – atribuição de distinção na Categoria de Melhor Catálogo nos Prémios APOM 2006

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